Being a Grandpa is gonna be Easy!!!!!!!!
I'm a quick learner. Lynne has lots of experience from helping out with the 3 grandsons (who are all doing great, by the way), but this grandpa stuff is really new to me. Last weekend, Celeste's mommy and daddy had a class they had to take. They were supposed to take it a month ago, but, well, Celeste decided to come along, and they were at the hospital when the class was going on, so it was kind of hard for them to go then. We agreed to babysit for the day for them so they could go. Anyways, we got up early and were on the road somewhere around 6:30 in the morning, since they live about 45 minutes away, and their class was at 8:00. We got there, and Jenn showed Lynne where the necessary baby things were (yanno, diapers, wipes, clothes, etc.) while Kevin showed me a couple things he wanted done in the yard. After they left, Lynne took the baby for a while, then I held her for a while, while waiting for it to warm up a little outside.
I gave Celeste back to Lynne, and she held her again, and fed her and burped her and napped with her, then set her in the bassonet for a 'sleep'. Saturday morning means lots of garden shows on TV and radio, so Lynne and Celeste watched them and listened to them, while I played with the dogs and cats, filled 2 backyard ponds, planted a blueberry bush, watched the birds, and listened to Lynne and Celeste on the baby monitor. Diaper time, and Lynne took care of the wet one, changed the baby's outfit, and napped with her again. I ran to the store for a couple sodas, and Lynne was back to feeding Celeste again. We sat down on the sofa together for a while while Celeste napped some more, and later in the afternoon, Kevin and Jenn came back with pizza for all. Lynne was even nice enough to leave Celeste with a full diaper for Jenn and Kevin to deal with :)
Yup, this Grandpa stuff is gonna be a breeze!!! (until next time, at least!)
Celeste doesn't seem to have this Halloween thing figured out yet, but she sure was cute in her tiny outfits ;)
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